Well, we see how long THAT statement
holds up.
The court's rulings on same sex “marriage” weren't a total washout. While the court essentially sidestepped ruling on California's Proposition 8—effectively allowing homosexual “marriage” to resume in that state in violation of the will of the voters who passed the law—the justices did NOT sweep away laws in other states that ban same sex “marriage.”
On the REAL reasons for the push for
“marriage equality,” see my previous blog on May 13. And for some
encouragement, see this article about a group of courageous
African-American pastors in Illinois who stood up for true
marriage—and stared down attempts to legalize homosexual “marriage”
in the Land of Lincoln, a very deep blue state (if you haven't read
about it in the state controlled mainstream press, don't be
surprised; as the article points out, the media has been careful to
avoid covering this victory for traditional, biblical marriage like
the plague).